tổng hợp từ vựng ielts c2

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Để giúp học sinh chuẩn bị tốt nhất, STUDY4 đã tổng hợp từ vựng tiếng Anh C2 giúp nâng band IELTS, hãy tham khảo nhé!

Tổng hợp từ vựng tiếng Anh C2

Từ vựng

Phiên âm

Nghĩa tiếng Anh

Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Ví dụ

Aberration (n)


Deviation from the norm

Sự khác thường

The sudden drop in temperature was an aberration from the norm.

Abhor (v)


To detest vehemently

Ghê tởm, căm ghét

She abhors any form of cruelty towards animals.

Abstruse (adj)


Difficult to understand

Khó hiểu

The professor’s lectures were so abstruse that students struggled to grasp the concepts.

Acquiesce (v)


To agree reluctantly but without protest

Đồng ý miễn cưỡng

Despite his reservations, he acquiesced to the board’s decision.

Adulation (n)


Excessive admiration or praise

Sự nịnh hót, sự tán tụng

The actor was uncomfortable with the adulation from his fans.

Alacrity (n)


Brisk and cheerful readiness

Sự sốt sắng, sự nhanh nhảu

She accepted the invitation with alacrity.

Ameliorate (v)


To make better

Cải thiện

Measures were taken to ameliorate the conditions of the refugees.

Antipathy (n)


Deep-seated feeling of aversion

Sự ác cảm

His antipathy towards authority figures was well known.

Assiduous (adj)


Showing great care and perseverance

Siêng năng, cần mẫn

Her assiduous efforts in the project earned her a promotion.

Benevolent (adj)


Well-meaning and kindly

Nhân từ, tốt bụng

The benevolent gentleman donated a large sum to charity.

Belligerent (adj)


Hostile and aggressive

Hiếu chiến, thù địch

His belligerent attitude made negotiations difficult.

Bequeath (v)


To leave to someone in a will

Để lại (bằng di chúc)

She bequeathed her collection of paintings to the museum.

Blatant (adj)


Obvious and unsubtle

Rành rành, hiển nhiên

His blatant disregard for the rules was shocking.

Boisterous (adj)


Noisy, energetic, and cheerful

Náo nhiệt, huyên náo

The boisterous children played in the park all afternoon.

Bolster (v)


To support or strengthen

Ủng hộ, củng cố

She needed to bolster her confidence before the big presentation.

Brevity (n)


Concise and exact use of words

Sự ngắn gọn

The brevity of the speech made it powerful and memorable.

Burgeoning (adj)


Growing or expanding rapidly

Đang phát triển nhanh

The burgeoning tech industry has created many job opportunities.

Buoyant (adj)


Cheerful and optimistic

Vui vẻ, lạc quan

Despite the economic downturn, the market remained buoyant.

Bungle (v)


To carry out a task clumsily

Làm hỏng việc

They bungled the investigation from the start.

Cacophony (n)


A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds

Âm thanh chói tai, tạp âm

The cacophony in the crowded classroom made it hard to concentrate.

Capricious (adj)


Given to sudden changes of mood or behavior

Thất thường

Her capricious nature makes her difficult to work with.

Clandestine (adj)


Kept secret or done secretly

Bí mật, giấu giếm

They held a clandestine meeting to discuss the confidential matter.

Coerce (v)


To force someone to do something

Ép buộc

The dictator used fear to coerce the people into obedience.

Conundrum (n)


A confusing and difficult problem

Vấn đề nan giải

The new regulations have created a conundrum for the administration.

Convivial (adj)


Friendly and lively

Thân thiện, vui vẻ

She was known for her convivial personality and excellent hospitality.

Credulous (adj)


Too ready to believe things

Nhẹ dạ, cả tin

The credulous audience believed every word of the magician's story.

Cursory (adj)


Hasty and not thorough

Lướt qua, không kỹ lưỡng

He gave the report a cursory glance before the meeting.

Cynical (adj)


Believing people are motivated by self-interest

Hoài nghi, hay chỉ trích

She has a cynical view of politicians and their promises.

Capitulate (v)


To surrender under agreed conditions

Đầu hàng

After several weeks of fighting, the rebels capitulated to the government's forces.

Debilitate (v)


To weaken

Làm suy yếu

The disease can debilitate even the healthiest of athletes.

Decipher (v)


To decode or make out

Giải mã

It took experts weeks to decipher the ancient manuscript.

Deference (n)


Respectful submission

Sự tôn trọng

In deference to her wishes, they postponed the meeting.

Delineate (v)


To describe or portray precisely

Mô tả chi tiết

The document delineates your rights and responsibilities.

Demure (adj)


Modest and reserved

Nghiêm trang, kín đáo

She gave him a demure smile as he greeted her.

Derogatory (adj)


Showing a critical or disrespectful attitude

Xúc phạm, miệt thị

He made a derogatory remark about her appearance.

Despondent (adj)


In low spirits from loss of hope

Nản lòng, thất vọng

She felt despondent after hearing the bad news.

Detrimental (adj)


Harmful, damaging

Gây hại, bất lợi

The new policy could have detrimental effects on the economy.

Discernible (adj)



Có thể nhận thức được, có thể thấy được

There is no discernible difference between the two products.

Disseminate (v)


To spread widely

Phổ biến, truyền bá

The organization aims to disseminate information about climate change.

Ebullient (adj)


Cheerful and full of energy

Sôi nổi, bồng bột

Her ebullient personality made her very popular at social gatherings.

Efficacious (adj)


Effective, producing desired results

Hiệu quả

The treatment was both efficacious and safe.

Egregious (adj)


Outstandingly bad, shocking

Quá tệ hại

The student's egregious behavior caused him to be expelled.

Elucidate (v)


To make clear, explain

Làm sáng tỏ

The professor elucidated the complex theory to the students.

Emaciated (adj)


Abnormally thin or weak

Hốc hác, tiều tụy

The emaciated prisoners were given food and medical care.

Emulate (v)


To imitate, match or surpass

Bắt chước, tranh đua

She hopes to emulate her sister's academic success.

Ephemeral (adj)


Lasting a very short time

Ngắn ngủi, phù du

The beauty of the cherry blossoms is ephemeral.

Exacerbate (v)


To make worse

Làm trầm trọng thêm

The new law only exacerbates the problem of economic inequality.

Facetious (adj)


Treating serious issues with inappropriate humor

Khôi hài, không nghiêm túc với các chủ đề nghiêm túc

His facetious remarks were not appreciated during the serious meeting.

Fallacious (adj)


Based on a mistaken belief

Sai lầm, ảo tưởng

His argument was fallacious and easily debunked.

Fastidious (adj)


Very attentive to detail

Khó tính, kén chọn

She was fastidious about keeping her house clean.

Fluctuate (v)


To change continually

Dao động, biến động

The stock market fluctuates daily.

Forlorn (adj)


Pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely

Cô đơn, tuyệt vọng

The forlorn child sat on the steps waiting for her parents.

Fortuitous (adj)


Happening by chance, often lucky

Tình cờ, may mắn

Their meeting was purely fortuitous.

Furtive (adj)


Attempting to avoid notice or attention

Lén lút, bí mật

He gave a furtive glance at the answer sheet on his neighbor's desk.

Garrulous (adj)


Excessively talkative

Nói nhiều, lắm mồm

The garrulous neighbor often kept us up late with his stories.

Gratuitous (adj)


Unnecessary, uncalled for

Không cần thiết, thừa thãi

The movie was criticized for its gratuitous violence.

Glean (v)


To collect information bit by bit

Lượm lặt, thu thập

She gleaned information from various sources for her research.

Grandiose (adj)


Impressive and imposing in appearance or style

Hào nhoáng, tráng lệ

The grandiose architecture of the palace was stunning.

Guile (n)


Deceit or trickery

Sự lừa dối, mưu mô

He used guile to gain the upper hand in the negotiations.

Germane (adj)


Relevant and appropriate

Liên quan, thích hợp

Her comments were not germane to the topic of the discussion.

Grueling (adj)


Extremely tiring and demanding

Mệt mỏi, cực nhọc

The marathon was a grueling test of endurance.

Gallant (adj)


Brave, spirited

Dũng cảm, hào hiệp

The gallant soldier received a medal for his bravery.

Grotesque (adj)


Comically or repulsively ugly

Quái dị, kỳ quái

The grotesque figure in the painting was unsettling.

Hackneyed (adj)


Overused and unoriginal

Cũ rích, sáo rỗng

The phrase "thinking outside the box" has become hackneyed.

Harangue (v)


A lengthy and aggressive speech

Diễn thuyết dài dòng, hùng hồn

The politician gave a harangue about the need for reform.

Hedonistic (adj)


Pursuing pleasure as the highest good

Chủ nghĩa khoái lạc

His hedonistic lifestyle was focused on indulging in pleasures.

Heretic (n)


A person holding religious beliefs opposed to the official doctrine

Kẻ dị giáo, người có quan điểm trái ngược

The heretic was excommunicated for his controversial views.

Histrionic (adj)


Overly theatrical or dramatic

Cường điệu, kịch tính

Her histrionic reactions were not taken seriously.

Hypothetical (adj)


Based on an assumption or theory

Giả thuyết

The discussion was based on a hypothetical scenario.

Hallowed (adj)


Regarded as holy or sacred

Linh thiêng, được tôn kính

The old church is hallowed by years of religious ceremonies.

Ineffable (adj)


Too great or extreme to be expressed in words

Không thể diễn tả bằng lời

The beauty of the sunrise over the mountains was ineffable.

Infallible (adj)


Incapable of making mistakes

Không thể sai lầm

He was considered infallible in his knowledge of ancient history.

Inexorable (adj)


Impossible to stop or prevent

Không thể cưỡng lại

The inexorable advance of technology has changed our lives.

Insidious (adj)


Proceeding in a subtle way with harmful effects

Xảo quyệt, âm thầm

The insidious effects of the drug were not immediately apparent.

Incisive (adj)


Sharp and focused, especially in thought or analysis

Sắc bén, rõ ràng

Her incisive remarks cut through the confusion and clarified the issue.

Ignominious (adj)


Deserving or causing public disgrace

Ô nhục, đáng xấu hổ

The defeat was an ignominious end to their otherwise successful campaign.

Intransigent (adj)


Unwilling to change one's views or to agree about something

Không nhượng bộ, cứng đầu

The negotiations failed due to the intransigent positions of both parties.

Jeopardize (v)


To put something in danger

Gây nguy hiểm, đe dọa

The company's decision to cut corners could jeopardize safety.

Juxtapose (v)


To place side by side for comparison

Đặt cạnh nhau để so sánh

The artist juxtaposed modern and classical elements in the painting.

Jocund (adj)


Cheerful and lighthearted

Vui vẻ, vui nhộn

Her jocund personality made her a favorite at parties.

Judicious (adj)


Showing good judgment

Sáng suốt, khôn ngoan

The judge's judicious comments helped clarify the complex case.

Jostle (v)


To push, shove, or bump against

Xô đẩy, chen lấn

The crowd jostled for a better view of the parade.

Kinetic (adj)


Relating to motion

Động lực, liên quan đến chuyển động

The kinetic energy of the moving car was substantial.

Kooky (adj)


Unconventional and slightly strange

Kỳ quặc, lạ lùng

His kooky behavior made him stand out at the party.

Knack (n)


A special skill or ability

Khéo tay, tài năng

She has a knack for solving complex puzzles quickly.

Lament (v)


To express sorrow or regret

Than vãn, tiếc nuối

The poet lamented the loss of his beloved city.

Laud (v)


To praise highly

Khen ngợi

The critics lauded the new film for its innovative storyline.

Lucid (adj)


Clear and easy to understand

Rõ ràng, minh bạch

The professor gave a lucid explanation of the complex theory.

Lethargic (adj)


Feeling sluggish or lacking energy

Uể oải, lờ đờ

After the long meeting, everyone felt lethargic.

Languish (v)


To become weak or feeble

Yếu ớt, héo úa

The company began to languish after the sudden departure of its CEO.

Lacerate (v)


To tear or cut roughly

Xé rách, làm rách

The storm lacerated the sails of the boat.

Lurk (v)


To remain hidden while waiting to ambush

Rình rập, ẩn nấp

The cat lurked behind the bushes, waiting for a chance to pounce.

Loathe (v)


To feel intense dislike or disgust

Ghét cay ghét đắng

She loathes the idea of working on weekends.

Magnanimous (adj)


Very generous or forgiving

Rộng lượng, bao dung

She was magnanimous in victory, congratulating her opponents.

Meticulous (adj)


Showing great attention to detail

Tỉ mỉ, cẩn thận

Her meticulous notes were crucial for the research.

Malleable (adj)


Capable of being shaped or influenced

Dễ uốn nắn, dễ thay đổi

The material is malleable and can be shaped into different forms.

Mitigate (v)


To make less severe or painful

Giảm nhẹ, làm giảm bớt

Measures are being taken to mitigate the impact of the storm.

Mirth (n)


Great joy, amusement

Niềm vui, sự vui vẻ

The room was filled with mirth as everyone enjoyed the party.

Metamorphosis (n)


A complete change in appearance or character

Sự biến hình, biến hóa

The caterpillar undergoes a metamorphosis to become a butterfly.

Nebulous (adj)


Vague or unclear

Mơ hồ, không rõ ràng

The plan was still nebulous and lacked detailed instructions.

Nonchalant (adj)


Appearing calm and relaxed

Thờ ơ, không quan tâm

She remained nonchalant despite the chaos around her.

Nurture (v)


To care for and encourage growth

Nuôi dưỡng, phát triển

It’s important to nurture a child’s creativity from a young age.

Nostalgia (n)


Longing for the past

Hoài niệm, nhớ lại

Some people feel nostalgia for their schooldays.

Nefarious (adj)


Wicked or criminal

Xấu xa, tội lỗi

The detective was on a mission to expose the nefarious activities of the gang.

Nullify (v)


To make invalid or ineffective

Vô hiệu hóa

The contract was nullified due to a breach of terms.

Noxious (adj)


Harmful or injurious

Độc hại, có hại

The noxious fumes from the factory were affecting the local residents.

Omnipotent (adj)


Having unlimited power

Toàn năng, có quyền lực vô hạn

The king was considered omnipotent in his realm.

Ostentatious (adj)


Showy or designed to impress

Khoe khoang, phô trương

The billionaire's ostentatious mansion was the talk of the town.

Obfuscate (v)


To make something unclear or difficult to understand

Làm khó hiểu, gây khó khăn

The lawyer’s language seemed designed to obfuscate the truth.

Obscure (adj)


Not well known or difficult to understand

Không rõ ràng, mờ mịt

The meaning of the ancient text remained obscure.

Oblivious (adj)


Not aware of or concerned about what is happening around one

Không để ý, lơ đễnh

He was oblivious to the fact that everyone was waiting for him.

Perplexed (adj)


Confused or puzzled

Bối rối, lúng túng

She looked perplexed when she saw the complicated instructions.

Pervasive (adj)


Spreading widely throughout an area

Tỏa rộng, lan tỏa

The influence of the internet is pervasive in modern society.

Pragmatic (adj)


Dealing with things sensibly and realistically

Thực dụng, thực tế

His pragmatic approach to problem-solving was highly effective.

Ponder (v)


To think deeply about something

Suy ngẫm, cân nhắc

He pondered over the implications of the new policy.

Profound (adj)


Very great or intense

Sâu sắc, thâm thúy

The speaker’s profound words had a lasting impact on the audience.

Placate (v)


To make someone less angry or hostile

Xoa dịu, làm nguôi

The manager tried to placate the upset customers with a discount.

Pernicious (adj)


Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way

Độc hại, gây tổn hại

The pernicious effects of the drug were not immediately obvious.

Pinnacle (n)


The highest point or level

Đỉnh cao, điểm cao nhất

Winning the award was the pinnacle of his career.

Quandary (n)


A state of uncertainty or confusion

Tình trạng bối rối

She was in a quandary about whether to accept the job offer.

Quell (v)


To put an end to something, typically by the use of force

Dẹp yên, làm ngừng lại

The police were called in to quell the riot.

Quaint (adj)


Charming in an old-fashioned way

Lạ mắt, cổ kính

The quaint village was popular with tourists.

Quiescent (adj)


In a state of inactivity or rest

Yên tĩnh, không hoạt động

The volcano has been quiescent for decades.

Quixotic (adj)


Exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic

Mơ mộng, viển vông

His quixotic plan to save the world was admired but impractical.

Reconcile (v)


To restore friendly relations

Hòa giải, làm hòa

The two sides managed to reconcile their differences.

Resilient (adj)


Able to recover quickly from difficult conditions

Kiên cường, vực dậy được

The community showed its resilience after the natural disaster.

Revoke (v)


To officially cancel something

Hủy bỏ, thu hồi

His driving license was revoked due to repeated offenses.

Reckless (adj)


Careless and without caution

Liều lĩnh, thiếu cẩn thận

His reckless behavior led to a serious accident.

Rigorous (adj)


Thorough and accurate

Chính xác, nghiêm ngặt

The research was conducted with rigorous attention to detail.

Rejuvenate (v)


To make something look or feel younger or fresher

Trẻ hóa, làm mới

The spa treatment rejuvenated her skin.

Render (v)


To cause someone or something to be in a particular state

Gây ra, tạo ra 

His rudeness rendered me speechless.

Relinquish (v)


To give up or let go of something

Từ bỏ, buông bỏ trách nhiệm

She decided to relinquish her role in the committee.

Scrutinize (v)


To examine closely and critically

Xem xét kỹ lưỡng

The auditor scrutinized the financial statements for discrepancies.

Substantiate (v)


To provide evidence to support or prove

Cung cấp bằng chứng, chứng minh

The scientist needed to substantiate her hypothesis with data.

Soporific (adj)


Causing sleep or drowsiness

Gây buồn ngủ, làm ngủ gật

The lecture was so soporific that many students fell asleep.

Synthesize (v)


To combine various elements to form a connected whole

Tổng hợp, kết tủa

The researcher synthesized data from multiple studies to draw conclusions.

Subjugate (v)


To bring under control or domination

Đè bẹp, chế ngự

The regime sought to subjugate all dissenting voices.

Salient (adj)


Most noticeable or important

Nổi bật, đáng chú ý

The salient features of the new policy were discussed in the meeting.

Secede (v)


To withdraw formally from an organization

Rút lui, ly khai, tách ra khỏi

The region decided to secede from the union after a referendum.

Tangible (adj)


Perceptible by touch; clear and definite

Hữu hình, rõ ràng

The benefits of the project were tangible and easily measured.

Trepidation (n)


A feeling of fear or anxiety

Lo lắng, sợ hãi

She approached the stage with trepidation before her speech.

Transcend (v)


To rise above or go beyond

Vượt qua, vượt lên

The artist's work transcends cultural boundaries.

Transient (adj)


Lasting only for a short time

Tạm thời, ngắn hạn

The transient nature of the job made it difficult to plan long-term.

Tenuous (adj)


Very weak or slight

Mỏng manh, yếu ớt

The connection between the two theories was tenuous at best.

Temperament (n)


A person's characteristic mood or behavior

Tính cách, khí chất

Her calm temperament made her a great mediator in conflicts.

Taciturn (adj)


Reserved or uncommunicative

Ít nói, trầm lặng

The taciturn man rarely spoke about his personal life.

Venerable (adj)


Worthy of respect due to age or dignity

Đáng kính, tôn trọng

The venerable professor was admired by students and colleagues alike.

Viable (adj)


Capable of working successfully

Có thể thực hiện, khả thi

The new business plan is viable and should be implemented.

Vex (v)


To make someone feel annoyed or worried

Làm phiền, gây khó chịu

The constant noise from the construction site began to vex the residents.

Vindicate (v)


To clear someone of blame or suspicion

Biện hộ, chứng minh

The evidence helped to vindicate the accused man.

Vacillate (v)


To waver between different opinions or actions

Dao động, phân vân

She vacillated between accepting the job offer and staying in her current position.

Vehement (adj)


Showing strong feeling or intensity

Mãnh liệt, kịch liệt

He gave a vehement speech against the proposed policy.

Vicarious (adj)


Experienced through someone else's actions

Thay thế, gián tiếp

She lived vicariously through her children’s adventures.

Veracity (n)


Conformity to facts; accuracy

Sự trung thực, chính xác

The veracity of the statement was questioned by the investigators.

Vestige (n)


A small part or trace of something that once existed

Dấu vết, di tích

The ruins were the last vestige of a once-great civilization.

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