từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 theo chủ đề

IELTS Writing Task 2 là phần thi đòi hỏi thí sinh phải diễn đạt ý tưởng một cách logic và thuyết phục, đồng thời sử dụng ngôn ngữ phong phú để thể hiện quan điểm về các chủ đề quen thuộc trong đời sống. Việc sở hữu một bộ từ vựng đa dạng theo từng chủ đề không chỉ giúp bài viết trở nên chuyên sâu và hấp dẫn hơn mà còn góp phần nâng cao điểm số ở tiêu chí Lexical Resource. Trong bài viết này, STUDY4 sẽ tổng hợp những từ vựng quan trọng nhất cho IELTS Writing Task 2, được phân chia theo từng chủ đề phổ biến, kèm theo mẹo sử dụng hiệu quả để bạn có thể áp dụng ngay vào bài thi của mình nhé!

I. Các chủ đề thường gặp trong IELTS Writing Task 2

Các chủ đề thường gặp trong IELTS Writing Task 2

1. Từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 theo chủ đề Giáo dục (Education)

Từ vựng

Phiên âm IPA

Nghĩa tiếng Anh

Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Ví dụ



The subjects studied in a course

Chương trình giảng dạy

The school curriculum includes subjects like math and science.

Vocational training

/vəʊˈkeɪʃənəl ˈtreɪnɪŋ/

Education focused on job skills

Đào tạo nghề

Vocational training is essential for students who prefer practical skills.



The ability to read and write

Sự biết đọc, biết viết

Improving literacy rates is a priority for many developing countries.

Tuition fees

/tjuːˈɪʃn fiːz/

The money paid for education

Học phí

Many families struggle to afford university tuition fees.



Activities outside the academic curriculum

Ngoại khóa

Participating in extracurricular activities helps students develop social skills.



Financial support for students

Học bổng

She received a full scholarship to study abroad.



The method and practice of teaching

Phương pháp sư phạm

Modern pedagogy emphasizes student-centered learning.

Academic performance

/ˌækəˈdemɪk pəˈfɔːməns/

Success in school or university

Thành tích học tập

Teachers can improve students’ academic performance by using innovative techniques.

Distance learning

/ˈdɪstəns ˈlɜːnɪŋ/

Studying without attending a physical classroom

Học từ xa

Distance learning has become more popular due to technological advancements.

Educational inequality

/ˌedʒʊˈkeɪʃənəl ˌɪnɪˈkwɒləti/

Unequal access to quality education

Bất bình đẳng trong giáo dục

Educational inequality remains a significant challenge in rural areas.

Compulsory education

/kəmˈpʌlsəri ˌedʒʊˈkeɪʃn/

Mandatory schooling

Giáo dục bắt buộc

Compulsory education ensures that all children have access to basic schooling.

Lifelong learning

/ˈlaɪfˌlɒŋ ˈlɜːnɪŋ/

Continuous education throughout life

Học tập suốt đời

Lifelong learning is essential in a rapidly changing job market.

Private school

/ˈpraɪvət skuːl/

A school funded by private sources

Trường tư

Private schools often have better facilities than public ones.

Public school

/ˈpʌblɪk skuːl/

A school funded by the government

Trường công

Public schools provide free education for all children.

Drop out

/drɒp aʊt/

To leave school or university before finishing

Bỏ học

He dropped out of college to start his own business.

Classroom management

/ˈklɑːsrʊm ˈmænɪdʒmənt/

Organizing and controlling a classroom

Quản lý lớp học

Effective classroom management is key to maintaining discipline.

Learning disability

/ˈlɜːnɪŋ ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti/

A condition affecting learning ability

Khuyết tật học tập

Students with learning disabilities require specialized support.

Knowledge acquisition

/ˈnɒlɪdʒ ˌækwɪˈzɪʃən/

The process of learning new information

Tiếp thu kiến thức

Reading books is one of the best ways for knowledge acquisition.

Critical thinking

/ˈkrɪtɪkəl ˈθɪŋkɪŋ/

The ability to analyze and evaluate ideas

Tư duy phản biện

Critical thinking is encouraged in higher education programs.

Academic pressure

/ˌækəˈdemɪk ˈpreʃər/

Stress caused by studies

Áp lực học tập

Many students face academic pressure during exam periods.

2. Từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 theo chủ đề Môi trường (Environment)

Từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 theo chủ đề Môi trường (Environment)

Từ vựng

Phiên âm IPA

Nghĩa tiếng Anh

Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Ví dụ

Climate change

/ˈklaɪmət tʃeɪndʒ/

Long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns

Biến đổi khí hậu

Climate change has a significant impact on the world's ecosystems.



The presence of harmful substances in the environment

Ô nhiễm

Air pollution is a serious problem in many urban areas.

Renewable energy

/rɪˈnjuːəbəl ˈenədʒi/

Energy from sources that are naturally replenished

Năng lượng tái tạo

Solar and wind power are examples of renewable energy sources.

Greenhouse gases

/ˈɡriːnˌhaʊs ˈɡæsɪz/

Gases that trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere

Khí thải nhà kính

Carbon dioxide is one of the major greenhouse gases contributing to global warming.



The large-scale clearing of forests

Nạn phá rừng

Deforestation leads to loss of biodiversity and increased carbon emissions.



The variety of different species in an ecosystem

Đa dạng sinh học

Protecting biodiversity is essential for maintaining ecological balance.



The act of protecting and preserving the environment

Bảo tồn

Wildlife conservation programs aim to protect endangered species.

Sustainable development

/səˈsteɪnəbəl dɪˈveləpmənt/

Development that meets present needs without compromising future generations

Phát triển bền vững

Sustainable development ensures that resources are available for future generations.



The process of converting waste into reusable material

Tái chế

Recycling helps reduce waste and conserves natural resources.



A community of living organisms and their environment

Hệ sinh thái

Coral reefs are vital ecosystems that support diverse marine life.

Carbon footprint

/ˈkɑːbən ˈfʊtprɪnt/

The total amount of greenhouse gases emitted by an individual or organization

Dấu chân carbon

Reducing our carbon footprint can help combat climate change.

Global warming

/ˈɡləʊbəl ˈwɔːmɪŋ/

The gradual increase in Earth's temperature

Nóng lên toàn cầu

Global warming has severe consequences, including rising sea levels.



The natural environment where an organism lives

Môi trường sống

The loss of habitat is one of the main threats to endangered species.



Animals and plants that live and grow in the wild

Động vật hoang dã

Many wildlife species are at risk due to habitat destruction and poaching.

Water pollution

/ˈwɔːtə pəˈlʊʃən/

Contamination of water bodies

Ô nhiễm nguồn nước

Water pollution affects both the environment and human health.



Not harmful to the environment

Thân thiện với môi trường

Using eco-friendly products helps reduce the environmental impact.

Fossil fuels

/ˈfɒsɪl fjuːəlz/

Natural fuels such as coal and oil

Nhiên liệu hóa thạch

Fossil fuels are non-renewable and contribute to environmental pollution.

Recycling bin

/riːˈsaɪklɪŋ bɪn/

A container for collecting items to be recycled

Thùng rác tái chế

Placing waste in the recycling bin helps separate recyclable materials.



The growth of cities and towns

Đô thị hóa

Urbanization can lead to increased pollution and loss of natural spaces.

3. Từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 theo chủ đề Công nghệ (Technology)

Từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 theo chủ đề Công nghệ (Technology)

Từ vựng

Phiên âm IPA

Nghĩa tiếng Anh

Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Ví dụ



The introduction of new ideas or methods

Sự đổi mới

Technological innovation has transformed the way we live and work.



The use of technology to perform tasks without human intervention

Tự động hóa

Automation in factories has increased production efficiency.

Artificial intelligence

/ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃəl ˌɪnˈtelɪdʒəns/

The simulation of human intelligence by machines

Trí tuệ nhân tạo

AI is used in many industries, from healthcare to transportation.



The practice of protecting systems, networks, and data from digital attacks

An ninh mạng

Cybersecurity is crucial to protect personal information and prevent data breaches.

Digital transformation

/ˈdɪdʒɪtəl ˌtrænsfɔːˈmeɪʃən/

The integration of digital technology into all areas of business

Chuyển đổi số

Digital transformation has changed how businesses interact with their customers.



Buying and selling of goods and services online

Thương mại điện tử

E-commerce platforms have made shopping more convenient for consumers.

Virtual reality (VR)

/ˈvɜːtʃuəl riˈæləti/

A simulated experience that can mimic or differ from the real world

Thực tế ảo

VR technology is used in gaming, training, and educational programs.

Internet of Things (IoT)

/ˈɪntənet əv θɪŋz/

The network of physical objects embedded with sensors and software

Mạng lưới vạn vật

The IoT allows everyday objects to connect to the internet and exchange data.



A digital ledger of transactions that is secure and decentralized

Công nghệ chuỗi khối

Blockchain technology is the foundation of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

Data privacy

/ˈdeɪtə ˈpraɪvəsi/

The right to control one's personal data

Quyền riêng tư dữ liệu

Data privacy is a growing concern as more personal information is shared online.

Mobile technology

/ˈməʊbaɪl tekˈnɒlədʒi/

Technology used in mobile devices like smartphones and tablets

Công nghệ di động

Mobile technology has revolutionized communication and access to information.

Cloud computing

/klaʊd kəmˈpjuːtɪŋ/

The use of remote servers to store, manage, and process data

Điện toán đám mây

Cloud computing enables people to access their files from anywhere with an internet connection.

Software development

/ˈsɒftweə dɪˈveləpmənt/

The process of designing, coding, and testing applications

Phát triển phần mềm

Software development has become an essential skill in the tech industry.


/ˈhaɪ tek/

Advanced technology with the latest developments

Công nghệ cao

High-tech gadgets often come with innovative features and functions.

Wearable technology

/ˈweərəbəl tekˈnɒlədʒi/

Devices worn on the body that track or enhance physical activity

Công nghệ đeo được

Wearable technology, like smartwatches, helps users monitor their health and fitness.



The branch of technology dealing with the design and use of robots

Công nghệ robot

Robotics has advanced in recent years, with robots now used in industries and homes.

5G technology

/faɪv ˈdʒiː tekˈnɒlədʒi/

The fifth generation of mobile network technology

Công nghệ mạng 5G

5G technology offers faster data speeds and more reliable internet connections.

Quantum computing

/ˈkwɒntəm kəmˈpjuːtɪŋ/

A type of computing that uses quantum-mechanical phenomena

Điện toán lượng tử

Quantum computing could revolutionize fields like cryptography and complex problem-solving.

4. Từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 theo chủ đề Sức khỏe (Health)

Từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 theo chủ đề Sức khỏe (Health)

Từ vựng

Phiên âm IPA

Nghĩa tiếng Anh

Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Ví dụ


/ˈwel biːɪŋ/

The state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy

Sự khỏe mạnh, hạnh phúc

Mental well-being is just as important as physical health.



The ability of the body to resist infection

Sự miễn dịch

A strong immune system can help prevent illnesses.



The food and drink consumed regularly

Chế độ ăn uống

A balanced diet is essential for maintaining good health.



Physical activity to improve health and fitness

Tập thể dục

Regular exercise can reduce the risk of chronic diseases.



The condition of being very overweight

Béo phì

Obesity can lead to health issues such as diabetes and heart disease.



The process of obtaining the food necessary for health

Dinh dưỡng

Good nutrition is important for growing children and adults alike.

Mental health

/ˈmentəl helθ/

The state of psychological and emotional well-being

Sức khỏe tinh thần

Mental health should be prioritized to lead a balanced life.

Chronic disease

/ˈkrɒnɪk dɪˈziːz/

A long-lasting disease that can be controlled but not cured

Bệnh mãn tính

Diabetes and hypertension are common chronic diseases.



The state of being in good health

Sự khỏe mạnh

Wellness programs aim to improve both physical and mental health.



The action of stopping something from happening

Sự phòng ngừa

Regular check-ups can aid in the prevention of serious health problems.



Conditions or practices to maintain health and prevent disease

Vệ sinh

Good hygiene practices can prevent the spread of infections.



The act of administering a vaccine to protect against disease

Tiêm chủng

Vaccination has played a crucial role in eradicating diseases like polio.



A state of mental or emotional strain or tension

Căng thẳng

Managing stress effectively is key to maintaining overall health.



The organized system that provides medical services

Chăm sóc sức khỏe

Access to quality healthcare is important for everyone.



The way a person lives, including habits and activities

Lối sống

An active lifestyle can help improve physical and mental health.

Cardiovascular health

/ˌkɑːdɪəʊˈvæskjələr helθ/

The health of the heart and blood vessels

Sức khỏe tim mạch

Regular exercise and a healthy diet can boost cardiovascular health.

Mental illness

/ˈmentəl ˈɪlnəs/

Disorders that affect a person's thinking, feeling, or behavior

Bệnh tâm lý

Mental illness should be treated with the same importance as physical illness.



The condition of being dependent on a substance


Smoking and drug addiction can lead to serious health consequences.



The process of restoring health and normal function

Sự phục hồi

Rehabilitation programs help people recover from injuries or addictions.



The conditions of maintaining clean and healthy environments

Vệ sinh môi trường

Good sanitation practices prevent the spread of disease and improve public health.

5. Từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 theo chủ đề Việc làm và sự nghiệp (Work and Career)

Từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 theo chủ đề Việc làm và sự nghiệp (Work and Career)

Từ vựng

Phiên âm IPA

Nghĩa tiếng Anh

Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Ví dụ



The state of having a job or work

Sự làm việc, việc làm

Employment rates have improved in the past few years.



A long-term job or profession that one pursues

Sự nghiệp

Choosing the right career path is essential for personal fulfillment.

Job satisfaction

/dʒɒb ˌsætɪsˈfækʃən/

The feeling of contentment one has with their work

Sự hài lòng với công việc

Job satisfaction can increase productivity and overall happiness.



The advancement to a higher position in a job

Sự thăng chức

She received a promotion after working hard on her projects.



The regular payment received for work


The salary for this position is competitive compared to industry standards.

Skill development

/skɪl dɪˈveləpmənt/

The process of learning and improving one's skills

Phát triển kỹ năng

Skill development programs help employees stay relevant in their fields.

Work-life balance

/wɜːrk laɪf ˈbælənss/

The balance between work responsibilities and personal life

Cân bằng công việc và cuộc sống

Maintaining work-life balance is crucial for mental health and well-being.



Working independently rather than for an employer

Làm tự do

Many people choose to freelance to have more flexibility in their schedules.



Building and maintaining professional relationships

Mạng lưới quan hệ

Networking can open doors to new job opportunities and career growth.



A temporary job position for training or experience

Thực tập

Internships provide valuable work experience for students and recent graduates.

Professional development

/prəˈfeʃənəl dɪˈveləpmənt/

The process of improving skills related to one's profession

Phát triển nghề nghiệp

Companies invest in professional development to enhance their employees' expertise.



A person one works with

Đồng nghiệp

It’s important to have good relationships with your colleagues to foster teamwork.



A person who starts and manages a business

Doanh nhân

Entrepreneurs play a key role in driving innovation and economic growth.



The efficiency of producing work

Năng suất làm việc

High productivity is often linked to a positive work environment and motivation.



A trusted and experienced adviser

Người cố vấn

Having a mentor can guide you through career challenges and decision-making.



The process of finding and hiring new employees

Tuyển dụng

The recruitment process involves interviewing and evaluating candidates.



The latest time or date by which something should be completed

Hạn chót

Meeting deadlines is crucial in most job roles to ensure projects are completed on time.



The payment or reward for services or work

Tiền lương, thù lao

Compensation packages may include benefits such as health insurance and bonuses.



The group of people employed in a company or industry

Lực lượng lao động

A skilled and motivated workforce is essential for a company's success.

6. Từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 theo chủ đề Xã hội (Society)

Từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 theo chủ đề Xã hội (Society)

Từ vựng

Phiên âm IPA

Nghĩa tiếng Anh

Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Ví dụ



A group of people living in the same area or having shared interests

Cộng đồng

The community came together to help rebuild after the flood.



The state of having different types or qualities

Sự đa dạng

Cultural diversity enriches a society by bringing new perspectives.

Social inequality

/ˈsəʊʃəl ˌɪnɪˈkwɒləti/

The unequal distribution of resources and opportunities

Bất bình đẳng xã hội

Social inequality can lead to tensions and conflicts in a community.



A belief or custom passed down through generations

Truyền thống

Celebrating holidays is an important part of family tradition.

Cultural heritage

/ˈkʌltʃərəl ˈherɪtɪdʒ/

The legacy of cultural traditions and artifacts

Di sản văn hóa

Preserving cultural heritage helps maintain the identity of a society.

Social norms

/ˈsəʊʃəl nɔːmz/

The accepted behaviors and rules within a society

Quy tắc xã hội

Social norms can vary greatly between different cultures and regions.



The increase in the population and growth of cities

Đô thị hóa

Urbanization has led to the development of infrastructure and economic opportunities.



The state of being equal, especially in status and rights

Sự bình đẳng

Equality is fundamental to building a fair and just society.

Social justice

/ˈsəʊʃəl ˈdʒʌstɪs/

The fair distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges

Công lý xã hội

Efforts to achieve social justice are important for reducing poverty and discrimination.



A person who offers services without pay

Tình nguyện viên

Many volunteers help in community projects to support those in need.



The action or state of including all members of society

Sự bao gồm

Inclusion policies promote equality and diversity in workplaces and schools.



The action of campaigning for political or social change

Chủ nghĩa hoạt động

Activism has played a major role in promoting social and environmental changes.



The unfair treatment of people based on characteristics like race, gender, etc.

Sự phân biệt đối xử

Discrimination can undermine social cohesion and prevent equality.

Public policy

/ˈpʌblɪk ˈpɒləsi/

The principles and laws that guide the actions of government

Chính sách công

Effective public policy can address issues such as poverty and climate change.

Social services

/ˈsəʊʃəl ˈsɜːrvɪsɪz/

Services provided by the government or non-profits to support community needs

Dịch vụ xã hội

Social services play a vital role in supporting vulnerable members of society.



The ability to be maintained over the long term

Sự bền vững

Sustainability practices are essential for protecting the environment for future generations.



Lacking basic resources or opportunities

Thiệt thòi, kém phát triển

Many disadvantaged families struggle to access quality education and healthcare.



The process of combining different elements into a whole

Sự hội nhập

Integration of immigrants into the workforce can enrich a nation's economy.

Social interaction

/ˈsəʊʃəl ˌɪntərˈækʃən/

The process of engaging and communicating with others

Giao tiếp xã hội

Social interaction is important for building relationships and a sense of community.

7. Từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 theo chủ đề Toàn cầu hóa (Globalization)

Từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 theo chủ đề Toàn cầu hóa (Globalization)

Từ vựng

Phiên âm IPA

Nghĩa tiếng Anh

Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Ví dụ



The process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide

Toàn cầu hóa

Globalization has led to increased trade and cultural exchange between countries.



A corporation or organization that operates in multiple countries

Đa quốc gia

Multinational companies often have a significant impact on global economies.



The action of buying and selling goods and services

Thương mại

International trade has expanded due to the reduction of trade barriers.

Cultural exchange

/ˈkʌltʃərəl ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/

The sharing of ideas, traditions, and cultural practices between different countries

Trao đổi văn hóa

Cultural exchange programs can help build understanding between different nations.

Economic integration

/ɪˈkɒnəmɪk ˌɪntɪˈɡreɪʃən/

The process of different economies combining and becoming interconnected

Hội nhập kinh tế

Economic integration can strengthen regional trade agreements and cooperation.



The practice of obtaining goods or services from an external supplier, especially in a foreign country

Thuê ngoài

Many companies outsource manufacturing to countries with lower production costs.



Linked or associated with each other

Liên kết

Modern technology has made the world more interconnected than ever before.

Free trade

/friː treɪd/

Trade between countries without restrictive tariffs or quotas

Thương mại tự do

Free trade agreements can lead to economic growth and access to a wider range of goods.

Global workforce

/ˈɡləʊbəl ˈwɜːrkfɔːrs/

A workforce that is spread across different countries and regions

Lực lượng lao động toàn cầu

The global workforce faces challenges such as cultural differences and time zones.

Technology transfer

/tekˈnɒlədʒi ˈtrænsfɜːr/

The process of sharing or transferring technology between different countries or organizations

Chuyển giao công nghệ

Technology transfer can help developing countries improve their industries.



The movement of people from one place to another for the purpose of settling in a new location

Di cư

Migration has been a key factor in shaping global demographics.

Cultural homogenization

/ˈkʌltʃərəl hɒməˈdʒənaɪzeɪʃən/

The process by which cultures become similar to one another

Sự đồng hóa văn hóa

Cultural homogenization can lead to a loss of unique cultural identities.

Economic disparity

/ɪˈkɒnəmɪk dɪˈspærəti/

The difference in wealth and income among different regions or countries

Sự chênh lệch kinh tế

Economic disparity can result in social and political tensions.

Global market

/ˈɡləʊbəl ˈmɑːrkɪt/

A worldwide marketplace for goods and services

Thị trường toàn cầu

The global market allows consumers to access products from all over the world.

Foreign investment

/ˈfɔːrɪn ɪnˈvestmənt/

Investment made by a company or individual in a country other than their own

Đầu tư nước ngoài

Foreign investment can boost economic growth and create job opportunities.

Economic growth

/ɪˈkɒnəmɪk ɡrəʊθ/

The increase in the value of goods and services produced by an economy

Tăng trưởng kinh tế

Economic growth is often measured by the increase in a country's GDP.

Sustainable development

/səˈsteɪnəbəl dɪˈveləpmənt/

Development that meets current needs without compromising future generations

Phát triển bền vững

Sustainable development aims to balance economic growth with environmental protection.

Global issues

/ˈɡləʊbəl ˈɪʃuːz/

Problems that affect the world as a whole, such as climate change and poverty

Các vấn đề toàn cầu

Addressing global issues requires international cooperation and coordinated efforts.

8. Từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 theo chủ đề Truyền thông (Media)

Từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 theo chủ đề Truyền thông (Media)

Từ vựng

Phiên âm IPA

Nghĩa tiếng Anh

Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Ví dụ



The main means of mass communication, such as newspapers, radio, and television

Truyền thông

Social media has become an important platform for communication and news.



The activity of gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting news and information

Nghề báo chí

Investigative journalism plays a crucial role in uncovering the truth.



To transmit a program or information by radio or television

Phát sóng

The news will be broadcast live at 7 PM.



A public promotion of some product or service

Quảng cáo

The advertisement for the new phone was seen all over social media.



Activities that provide amusement or enjoyment

Giải trí

Watching movies is a popular form of entertainment around the world.



A film or program that provides a factual report on a particular subject

Phim tài liệu

The documentary about climate change was both informative and alarming.



The ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society

Văn hóa

Understanding different cultures is important for global cooperation.



A belief or custom passed down through generations

Truyền thống

Celebrating traditional festivals helps preserve a community's heritage.

Social media

/ˈsəʊʃəl ˈmiːdɪə/

Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or participate in social networking

Mạng xã hội

Social media has changed the way people interact and share information.



The power to affect or change someone or something

Sự ảnh hưởng

Celebrities have a significant influence on public opinions.



The industry that reports news and information, especially newspapers

Báo chí

The press plays an essential role in holding governments accountable.



A widely held but oversimplified idea of a particular type of person or thing

Định kiến

Movies often perpetuate stereotypes that may not be accurate or fair.



The act of conveying information or expressing ideas and feelings

Giao tiếp

Effective communication is key to building strong relationships.



The use of different types of media, such as text, audio, images, and video

Đa phương tiện

Multimedia presentations make learning more interactive and engaging.



The material or information that is contained in a media source

Nội dung

Online content is widely shared on various platforms, reaching millions of people.



A medium or technology for delivering content or facilitating interaction

Nền tảng

Social media platforms have become an essential part of daily communication.



A person who watches television or online content

Khán giả

The show attracted millions of viewers from around the world.



The process of communicating or working together with others

Sự tương tác

Online interaction allows people to stay connected despite being far apart.



A view or belief about something

Ý kiến

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on social and political issues.

II. Tổng hợp từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 theo bố cục trong essay

Có 3 phần chính trong bài dựa trên cấu trúc của bài viết Writing Task 2: Introduction (Giới thiệu/mở bài), Body (Thân bài) và Conclusion (Kết luận/kết bài). Để giúp bạn học tốt phần này, STUDY4 đã tổng hợp lại các từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 đặc trưng của từng phần qua bài viết sau.

Xem thêm: Tổng hợp từ vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 trong essays



Khóa học bao gồm:

🧠Bài giảng chi tiết:

Khóa học bao gồm các video bài giảng chi tiết được xây dựng bởi giáo viên dày dặn kinh nghiệm của STUDY4. Bài giảng bao gồm hướng dẫn cách làm bài theo từng dạng của cả 2 task, giải thích chi tiết các tiêu chí và phân tích kỹ các essay.

✍️Phân tích chi tiết essay sample:

Các bài viết được phân tích chi tiết => Giúp bạn nắm được công thức phát triển ý của đoạn và bài. Các từ mới kèm nghĩa tiếng Việt, các từ và cụm từ liên kết ý, liên kết đoạn được highlight để bạn dễ dàng học tập.

📖Luyện tập từ vựng:

Mỗi bài đều có thêm phần luyện tập điền từ đã học => Bạn sẽ mở rộng vốn từ vựng hơn rất nhiều

📝Luyện tập sử dụng liên kết câu và thực hành chữa lỗi ngữ pháp:

Đa dạng bài tập ngữ pháp, điền từ, cụm từ liên kết, đại từ => Hạn chế lỗi sai khi viết bài.

📑Thực hành viết lại câu:

Bài tập viết lại câu giúp nắm được vai trò câu trong một đoạn và cách xây dựng một bài viết hoàn chỉnh.

🌐Tính năng chấm WRITING bằng AI:

Bạn sẽ được AI chấm bài Writing của mình, gồm cả chữa lỗi sai và đưa ra gợi ý chi tiết theo đúng 4 TIÊU CHÍ, để giúp bạn đạt điểm cao hơn.

Lời kết

Trên đây STUDY4 đã chia sẻ cho bạn về các chủ đề thường gặp trong IELTS Writing Task 2 cùng các từ vựng đặc trưng theo từng chủ đề rồi đó!

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