tổng hợp từ vựng IELTS C1

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Để giúp học sinh chuẩn bị tốt nhất, STUDY4 đã tổng hợp từ vựng tiếng Anh C1 giúp nâng band IELTS, hãy tham khảo nhé!

Tổng hợp từ vựng tiếng Anh C1

Từ vựng

Phiên âm

Nghĩa tiếng Anh

Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Ví dụ

Abundant (adj)


More than enough; plentiful.

Dồi dào, phong phú

The region has an abundant supply of natural resources.

Accumulate (v)


To gather or collect over time.

Tích lũy, gom góp

She has managed to accumulate a considerable amount of savings.

Adverse (adj)


Having a negative or harmful effect.

Bất lợi, có hại

The adverse effects of the medication were quickly apparent.

Adept (adj)


Highly skilled or proficient.

Thành thạo, giỏi

She is adept at using various computer software.

Allocate (v)


To distribute or assign resources.

Phân phối, phân bổ

Funds were allocated to improve public transportation.

Amaze (v)


To surprise or astonish greatly.

Kinh ngạc, làm ngạc nhiên

The magician’s tricks never fail to amaze the audience.

Apathy (n)


Lack of interest or enthusiasm.

Sự thờ ơ, lãnh đạm

His apathy towards the project was concerning.

Arbitrary (adj)


Based on random choice or personal whim.

Tuỳ tiện, ngẫu nhiên

The decision seemed arbitrary and unfair to the employees.

Assert (v)


To state confidently or forcefully.

Khẳng định, quả quyết

He asserted his rights during the meeting.

Attain (v)


To achieve or reach.

Đạt được, giành được

She attained her goal of becoming a manager.

Banal (adj)


Lacking originality; dull.

Tầm thường, nhàm chán

The movie’s plot was so banal that I lost interest quickly.

Belie (v)


To show something to be false or wrong.

Che đậy, làm trái ngược

His calm demeanor belies the anxiety he feels inside.

Brevity (n)


The quality of being brief or concise.

Sự ngắn gọn, súc tích

The brevity of his speech was appreciated by the audience.

Burden (n)


A heavy load or responsibility.

Gánh nặng, trách nhiệm

The financial burden of paying for the college was substantial.

Bequeath (v)


To leave something to someone in a will.

Để lại (thừa kế)

He bequeathed his entire estate to his children.

Blatant (adj)


Very obvious; done openly and unashamedly.

Rõ ràng, trắng trợn

Her blatant disregard for the rules was shocking.

Candid (adj)


Honest and straightforward.

Thẳng thắn, trung thực

She gave a candid response to the interviewer’s questions.

Concur (v)


To agree or have the same opinion.

Đồng ý, nhất trí

The experts concur that the new policy will benefit the company.

Compelling (adj)


Very convincing or attractive.

Thuyết phục, hấp dẫn

The documentary presented a compelling argument for conservation.

Consolidate (v)


To make something stronger or more effective.

Củng cố, hợp nhất

The company plans to consolidate its position in the market.

Contend (v)


To argue or assert something.

Khẳng định, tranh luận để thắng cái gì đó

She contends that the current policies are outdated.

Conceive (v)


To form an idea, plan, or image in the mind.

Hình thành, tưởng tượng

He conceived a new approach to solving the problem.

Complex (n)


A large building with various connected rooms or a related group of buildings.

Tòa nhà tổ hợp

They live in a large apartment complex.

Diligent (adj)


Showing care and effort in work.

Cần cù, siêng năng

She is a diligent student who always completes her assignments on time.

Discreet (adj)


Showing careful consideration or restraint.

Thận trọng, kín đáo

He was discreet about his personal life in public.

Depict (v)


To show or represent something in a picture or description.

Miêu tả, hình dung

The painting depicts a serene landscape.

Discrepancy (n)


A difference or inconsistency.

Sự không nhất quán, sự khác biệt

There is a discrepancy between the two reports.

Dismantle (v)


To take apart or break down into pieces.

Tháo dỡ, tháo gỡ

They dismantled the old machinery to make way for new equipment.

Defer (v)


To delay or postpone something.

Hoãn lại, trì hoãn

The meeting was deferred to next week.

Eloquent (adj)


Fluent and persuasive in speaking or writing.

Hùng hồn, có sức thuyết phục

The speaker gave an eloquent presentation on climate change.

Elaborate (adj)


To explain in detail or add more information.

Chi tiết, tỉ mỉ

She elaborated on her research methods during the interview.

Engage (v)


To interest someone in something and keep them thinking about it

Thu hút

The debate about food safety has engaged the whole nation.

Exemplary (adj)


Serving as a model or example.

Điển hình, gương mẫu

Her performance was exemplary and set a high standard for others.

Emerge (v)


To come into view or become known as a result of examining something or asking questions about it 

Xuất hiện, nổi lên như kết quả của việc gì đó 

New technologies are emerging in the field of renewable energy.

Establish (v)


To start having a relationship with, or communicating with another person, company, country, or organization

Thiết lập mối quan hệ

He had difficulty establishing close relationships with anyone.

Exceed (v)


To go beyond a limit or expectation.

Vượt quá

The company’s profits exceeded expectations this quarter.

Explicit (adj)


Clearly stated and leaving no room for confusion.

Rõ ràng, minh bạch

The instructions were explicit and easy to follow.

Enhance (v)


To improve or increase something.

Nâng cao, cải thiện

The new software will enhance the overall efficiency of the system.

Elicit (v)


To draw out or bring forth.

Kích thích, gợi ra

The survey was designed to elicit feedback from the participants.

Feasible (adj)


Possible and practical to do or achieve.

Có thể thực hiện, khả thi

The project is feasible within the given timeframe.

Foster (v)


To encourage or promote the development of something.

Nuôi dưỡng, khuyến khích

The school aims to foster creativity among students.

Fragment (n)


A small part or piece of something.

Mảnh vỡ, phần nhỏ

The document was found in several fragments.

Facilitate (v)


To make something easier or more convenient.

Tạo điều kiện, làm dễ dàng

The new software will facilitate data analysis.

Formulate (v)


To create or devise a plan or method.

Đưa ra, xây dựng kế hoạch chi tiết

She formulated a strategy to improve sales.

Fleeting (adj)


Lasting for a very short time.

Ngắn ngủi, thoáng qua

Their happiness was fleeting, lasting only a few moments.

Fathom (v)


To understand something after much thought.

Hiểu thấu, tìm hiểu ý nghĩa của điều gì đó

It took him a while to fathom the depth of the problem.

Fortify (v)


To strengthen or protect against attack.

Củng cố, gia cố

The walls were fortified to protect the city from invasion.

Gratify (v)


To give someone pleasure or satisfaction.

Làm hài lòng, làm thỏa mãn

Her efforts were gratified by the positive feedback from her team.

Grasp (v)


To understand something completely.

Hiểu, nắm bắt

He quickly grasped the concept of the new technology.

Gauge (v)


To measure or assess something.

Đo lường, đánh giá

The survey helped gauge the public’s opinion on the issue.

Grim (adj)


Stern or harsh; bleak, without hope

Ủ rũ, nghiêm trọng, không còn hy vọng

The situation looked grim, with no immediate solutions in sight.

Genuine (adj)


Sincere and honest 

Chân thành

Her concern for the project was genuine and deeply felt.

Grievance (n)


A complaint or objection.

Khiếu nại, phàn nàn

The employees filed a grievance regarding the working conditions.

Glimpse (v)


A brief or quick view or look.

Cái nhìn thoáng qua

She caught a glimpse of the actor as he entered the building.

Gratuitous (adj)


Given without any reason or justification.

Vô cớ, không cần thiết

The film was criticized for its gratuitous violence.

Hinder (v)


To create difficulties or obstacles.

Cản trở, gây khó khăn

The lack of funding will hinder the project's progress.

Hostile (adj)


Showing or feeling opposition or dislike.

Thù địch, không thân thiện

The negotiations became hostile after the disagreement.

Hypothesis (n)


An idea or explanation based on limited evidence.

Giả thuyết

The scientist proposed a hypothesis to explain the phenomenon.

Harass (v)


To bother or annoy persistently.

Quấy rối

She felt harassed by the constant emails from her clients.

Harmonious (adj)


Pleasingly consistent or well-matched.

Hài hòa, cân đối

The team worked in a harmonious manner to achieve their goals.

Hurdle (n)


An obstacle or difficulty.

Rào cản, chướng ngại vật

The main hurdle to progress is the lack of resources.

Holistic (adj)


Considering the whole thing rather than just the parts.

Toàn diện

The holistic approach considers both physical and mental health.

Keen (adj)


Good or well developed

Rất tốt 

She has a keen sense of smell.

Knowledgeable (adj)


Possessing a lot of knowledge.

Am hiểu, có nhiều kiến thức

He is very knowledgeable about modern art.

Kudos (n)


Praise or respect for achievements.

Lời khen ngợi, danh tiếng

The scientist received kudos for her groundbreaking research.

Linger (v)


To stay in a place longer than necessary, take time to stay too long

Nấn ná, chần chừ

The smell of fresh bread lingered in the kitchen for hours.

Leverage (v)


To use something to maximum advantage.

Tận dụng, khai thác

The company is leveraging its technology to gain a competitive edge.

Liaise (v)


To communicate and cooperate with others.

Liên lạc, phối hợp

The manager will liaise with the team to ensure the project’s success.

Luminous (adj)


Giving off light; bright or shining.

Phát sáng, rực rỡ

The stars appeared luminous against the dark night sky.

Lackluster (adj)


Lacking brilliance or vitality; dull.

Mờ nhạt, kém cỏi

The performance was lackluster and failed to impress the audience.

Legitimate (adj)


Lawful, valid, or reasonable.

Hợp pháp, chính đáng

The company’s claims were deemed legitimate by the regulatory body.

Lamentable (adj)


Deserving to be lamented; regrettable.

Đáng bị chỉ trích, tệ

The decline in quality of the service was lamentable.

Lurk (v)


To wait or move stealthily.

Rình rập, ẩn nấp

The cat lurked in the shadows, waiting to pounce on its prey.

Latent (adj)


Existing but not yet developed or visible.

Tiềm ẩn

The talent for music was latent until she began taking lessons.

Mitigate (v)


To make something less severe or intense.

Giảm nhẹ, làm giảm bớt

The new policies are designed to mitigate the impact of climate change.

Magnify (v)


To make something appear larger or more important.

Phóng đại, làm nổi bật

The media tends to magnify minor issues for sensationalism.

Mundane (adj)


Ordinary, dull, and uninteresting.

Bình thường, tẻ nhạt

She was tired of her mundane routine and wanted a change.

Monotonous (adj)


Boring because of being always the same.

Đơn điệu, tẻ nhạt

The job became monotonous after a few months of doing the same tasks daily.

Mediocre (adj)


Of average quality; not very good.

Trung bình, xoàng xĩnh

The film received mediocre reviews from critics.

Manifest (adj)


Clear or obvious to the eye or mind.

Rõ ràng, hiển hiện

His talent was manifest in his exceptional performance.

Monetary (adj)


Related to money or finances.

Tiền tệ, tài chính

The company offered monetary rewards for outstanding performance.

Motivate (v)


To encourage someone to do something.

Khuyến khích, thúc đẩy

The manager’s words were meant to motivate the team to reach their goals.

Modify (v)


To change or alter something slightly.

Sửa đổi, thay đổi

The design was modified to better suit the client’s needs.

Nurture (v)


To care for and encourage the growth of.

Nuôi dưỡng, chăm sóc

It is important to nurture children’s talents from a young age.

Notorious (adj(


Famous or well-known, typically for a bad reason.

Nổi tiếng (thường theo nghĩa xấu), tai tiếng

The city is notorious for its high crime rates.

Negotiate (v)


To discuss and reach an agreement.

Đàm phán

They needed to negotiate a better deal with the supplier.

Nimble (adj)


Quick and light in movement or action.

Nhanh nhẹn, linh hoạt

The dancer was nimble and graceful on stage.

Nucleus (n)


The central part of an object or group.

Nhân, hạt nhân, trung tâm

The nucleus of the team is its dedicated leader.

Novelty (n)


The quality of being new or unique.

Sự mới lạ, sự độc đáo

The novelty of the new gadget attracted many customers.

Neutral (adj)


Not supporting or helping either side in a conflict.

Trung lập, không nghiêng về bên nào

The mediator remained neutral throughout the discussions.

Nourish (v)


To provide with food or other substances necessary for growth.

Nuôi dưỡng, cung cấp dinh dưỡng

The diet is designed to nourish the body and promote health.

Oblige (v)


To make someone feel morally bound to do something.

Buộc phải, làm ơn

We are obliged to respond to the customer’s complaint.

Opaque (adj)


Not able to be seen through; not transparent.

Mờ đục, không trong suốt

The glass was too opaque to see through.

Overlook (v)


To fail to notice or consider something.

Bỏ qua, không để ý

I think you overlooked a critical detail in the report.

Obscure (adj)


Not discovered or known about; uncertain.

Mờ mịt, không rõ ràng

The reasons for the decision remain obscure.

Opt (v)


To make a choice or decision.

Chọn lựa, quyết định

You can opt for either the vegetarian or the meat option.

Overstate (v)


To describe something in a way that makes it seem more important than it really is.

Phóng đại

He tends to overstate the benefits of the new policy.

Outdated (adj)


No longer in style or useful.

Lỗi thời, không còn hợp thời

The technology used in the device is outdated.

Overwhelm (v)


To affect someone very strongly.

Làm choáng ngợp, áp đảo

The amount of information was overwhelming for the students.

Orchestrate (v)


To organize or arrange something carefully.

Sắp xếp, tổ chức

She orchestrated a complex schedule to ensure everything went smoothly.

Provoke (v)


To stimulate or incite a reaction or emotion.

Khiêu khích, kích thích

His comments were meant to provoke a reaction from the audience.

Plummet (v)


To fall or drop straight down at high speed.

Rơi thẳng đứng, giảm mạnh

Stock prices plummeted after the company announced poor earnings.

Perceive (v)


To become aware of or understand something.

Nhận thức, cảm nhận, tin

How you perceive the situation can greatly affect your response.

Pivotal (adj)


Of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something.

Quan trọng, then chốt

Her role in the project was pivotal to its success.

Precede (v)


To come before something in time or order.

Xảy ra trước, đứng trước

The introduction will precede the main discussion.

Plausible (adj)


Seeming reasonable or probable.

Có vẻ hợp lý, đáng tin cậy

The detective offered a plausible explanation for the crime.

Proficient (adj)


Competent or skilled in doing or using something.

Thành thạo, giỏi

She is proficient in several languages.

Pristine (adj)


In its original condition; unspoiled.

Nguyên vẹn, không bị hư hại

The pristine beaches were untouched by human activity.

Perpetuate (v)


To make something continue indefinitely.

Duy trì, kéo dài

The documentary aims to perpetuate the memory of the event.

Ponder (v)


To think about something carefully and deeply.

Suy nghĩ, cân nhắc

He pondered over the decision before making his final choice.

Quaint (adj)


Attractively unusual or old-fashioned.

Độc đáo, lạ mắt

The village is known for its quaint charm and historical buildings.

Quantify (v)


To measure or express the quantity of something.

Định lượng, đo lường

It is difficult to quantify the exact impact of the new policy.

Quench (v)


To satisfy a need or wish

Làm thỏa mãn mong muốn

Her thirst for knowledge will never be quenched.

Quibble (v)


To argue or raise objections about a trivial matter.

Cãi vặt, tranh cãi không quan trọng

They quibbled over minor details of the contract.

Quest (n)


A long or arduous search for something.

Cuộc tìm kiếm, truy tìm

The hero went on a quest to find the magical artifact.

Quarantine (n)


A period of isolation to prevent disease spread.

Cách ly, kiểm dịch

The travelers were put under quarantine to prevent the spread of illness.

Retain (v)


To keep possession of something.

Giữ lại, duy trì

The company plans to retain its current staff for the new project.

Reimburse (v)


To pay back money spent or lost.

Hoàn trả, đền bù

The company will reimburse you for any travel expenses.

Reluctant (adj)


Unwilling and hesitant.

Miễn cưỡng, do dự

She was reluctant to accept the job offer due to the long commute.

Radiant (adj)


Bright and shining; glowing with happiness.

Rực rỡ, tỏa sáng

Her smile was radiant during the celebration.

Replicate (v)


To make an exact copy of something.

Sao chép, nhân bản

The researchers were able to replicate the experiment successfully.

Reinforce (v)


To strengthen or support.

Củng cố, tăng cường

The new data reinforces the theory proposed earlier.

Refine (v)


To improve something by making small changes.

Tinh chỉnh, cải thiện

We need to refine the design to meet the new specifications.

Scrutinize (v)


To examine something very carefully.

Xem xét kỹ lưỡng

The document was scrutinized for any errors before submission.

Subtle (adj)


Not obvious; delicately complex.

Tinh tế, nhẹ nhàng

The subtle changes in color improved the overall design.

Surpass (v)


To exceed or go beyond.

Vượt qua, vượt trội

Her performance surpassed all expectations.

Speculate (v)


To form a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.

Suy đoán, đầu cơ

They speculated about the reasons for his sudden resignation.

Skeptical (adj)


Doubtful or questioning.

Hoài nghi, nghi ngờ

She was skeptical of the company's promises.

Sustainable (adj)


Capable of being maintained over the long term.

Bền vững, có thể duy trì

We need to find sustainable solutions to environmental issues.

Tolerate (v)


To deal with something unpleasant or annoying

Chịu đựng

The manager tolerates a certain amount of lateness from employees.

Turbulent (adj)


Characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion.

Hỗn loạn, náo động

The country went through a turbulent period of political unrest.

Tangible (adj)


Able to be touched or perceived clearly.

Cụ thể, có thể chạm vào

We need tangible results to justify the expense.

Transcend (v)


To go beyond or rise above.

Vượt qua, vượt ra ngoài

Her performance transcended all expectations.

Theoretical (adj)


Based on theory rather than practical application.

Lý thuyết, trừu tượng

The theoretical model needs practical validation.

Utilize (v)


To make practical and effective use of something.

Sử dụng, tận dụng

We need to utilize all available resources to complete the project.

Uplift (v)


To raise or improve emotionally or spiritually.

Nâng cao, cải thiện

The charity event was designed to uplift the community's spirit.

Undermine (v)


To weaken or harm something gradually.

Làm suy yếu, phá hoại

His actions undermined the credibility of the entire organization.

Unequal (adj)


Not the same in quantity, size, or value.

Không công bằng, không đều

The unequal distribution of resources was a major concern.

Unveil (v)


To reveal or make something known for the first time.

Tiết lộ, công bố

The company will unveil its new product at the press conference.

Ubiquitous (adj)


Present or existing everywhere.

Phổ biến, có mặt ở khắp nơi

Smartphones are ubiquitous in modern society.

Unprecedented (adj)


Never done or known before.

Chưa từng xảy ra, chưa có tiền lệ

The scale of the project is unprecedented in the industry.

Unify (v)


To bring together or make into one.

Hợp nhất, đoàn kết

The leader aimed to unify the diverse groups into a single organization.

Venture (n)


A risky or daring journey or project.

Dự án, mạo hiểm

Starting a new business is always a venture with unknown risks.

Validate (v)


To confirm or verify the accuracy or validity of something.

Xác nhận, kiểm tra tính hợp lệ

The results of the experiment were validated by several scientists.

Vulnerable (adj)


Capable of being easily hurt or influenced.

Dễ bị tổn thương, dễ bị ảnh hưởng

The small business was vulnerable to economic fluctuations.

Viable (adj)


Capable of working successfully or feasibly.

Khả thi, có thể thực hiện

The team proposed a viable solution to the problem.

Verify (v)


To make sure or demonstrate that something is true.

Xác minh, kiểm chứng

Please verify the details before submitting the report.

Vibrate (v)


To move repeatedly and quickly from side to side.

Rung, dao động

The phone began to vibrate during the meeting.

Voracious (adj)


Having a very eager approach to a particular activity.

Tham ăn, khao khát

She is a voracious reader who finishes a book in a day.

Veer (v)


To change direction suddenly.

Đổi hướng đột ngột

The car had to veer off the road to avoid the obstacle.

Lời kết

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